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Healthy living - Five morning secrets successful people swear by!

Most succesful people drink water first thing in the morning instead of coffee.

Healthy living - Five morning secrets successful people swear by!

Zee Media Bureau

New Delhi: Every human being wants to be successful in life, but the fact is that most of us are too sluggish or lazy or don't simply want to do what it takes to reach that level. While some may be destined for greatness, being successful isn't just due to luck as assumed by some people.

There are many things that make successful people stand out among their peers. Yet, they also share some compelling habits. Here are some of them:

Early riser

Often we heard of the saying 'early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise', but most people find it difficult to shift their habits, especially, from being a night owl to an early riser. Unlike others, successful people always wake up early and that's one 'thing that makes them to be more productive, triumphant and calm. They rise up early either to read or jog, squeezing out as much time as they can to do with as they please before going to work.

Drink water

Most successful people drink water first thing in the morning instead of coffee. Drinking water early in the morning can help you feel more alert while it cleanses your system and boosts your metabolism. Water helps keep the body well hydrated, which is basically the easiest thing you can do to improve your physical and mental health.


Successful people also develop good habits, including exercising regularly in the early hours of the day, promoting clear thought and a positive outlook. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. And these endorphins interact receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain and which results in feelings of wellness and clarity.

Eat breakfast

They don't skip breakfast, which is the first and the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is critical because it influences practically every dimension of our being during the course of the day, including how we perform physically and mentally. Breakfast also lowers the blood level of the stress hormone cortisol, which peaks during the early morning hours.

Positive outlook

Having a positive, joyful attitude means you'll have positive, joyful results. Successful people don't complain about their hectic schedule, instead they look at their work as a means to an end and to create a life of abundance while focusing on their daily goals. Each day, they wake up with a new hope and an unquenchable thirst for life. 

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