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US gives Cessna aircraft to Pakistan for counter-terrorism

The US on Friday made a fresh delivery of Cessna aircraft to Pakistan's army to enhance its counter-terrorism capabilities and air mobility.

Islamabad: The US on Friday made a fresh delivery of Cessna aircraft to Pakistan's army to enhance its counter-terrorism capabilities and air mobility.

"The Office of Defence Representative Pakistan made another delivery of Cessna aircraft to the Pakistan Army," the US embassy in Pakistan said.

It was not known precisely how many aircraft were delivered.

The embassy, however, said that since November 2016, the Pakistan Army had received six Cessna planes, two Cessna 208 Caravans and four Cessna 206H aircraft.

"These aircraft will assist the Pakistan Army with their air mobility capability by enhancing the Army's ability to conduct medical evacuations, as well as provide limited troop and equipment transport," it said.

American security assistance continues to build the counter-terrorism capabilities of Pakistan's security forces, the embassy statement said.
"The United States and Pakistan are stronger when we work together to combat terrorism," it said.

Cessna Aircraft company is an American general aviation aircraft manufacturing corporation.

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