8 Weird Laws From Different Countries - Check Here INList


If you are a lover of the Dominoes, don’t take it with you in Spain as it is illegal to play that game in the country. (All Image Credit: Freepik)

South Korea

No silent sneaking! It is illegal to turn off your phone camera sound when you are in South Korea.

South Africa

Funny!! if you are daring enough to wrestle with a bear don’t do it in South Africa as the laws don’t accept it.


Don’t feed your tummy too much when in Japan because being overweight is illegal in Japan.


If you desperately want to know your fortune, don’t try searching for a fortune teller in Poland as fortune telling is illegal in the country.


Once you have the taste of Italian pizza, you will desperately want to feed it to your loved ones but be careful not to feed the Pigeons as it is illegal feeding them in Italy.

Sri Lanka

The country has magnificent religious importance with numerous temples and attractions. It is illegal to take selfies with Buddha in Sri Lanka.


Singapore is a beautiful tourist attraction place but mind chewing gum in the country as it is against the law.


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