7 Mythical Creatures Who Are Famous in Fictional World


The winged creature is depicted as a giant snake and is a fire breathing animal and throws flame when in anger.


This creature is very famous in T.V. series or movies. It is depicted as a Human who can shapeshift into a wolf. It is also shown that the human turns into a werewolf when its a full moon.


The Half Human and Half Fish is a very famous lore and is shown as very beautiful and romantic in many cultures whereas some think of them as a sinister creature.


The horse looking creature has a single horn on top of their head and is shown in white or silver colour making them look very beautiful. There are stories which tell that a unicorn contains healing properties.


They are depicted as Tall, Large and strong who have a big appetite and lots of hair. They are thought of as very Violent creatures.


Fairies in fictional world are depicted as small-winged creatures who have magic and wings to fly. Tinkerbell is an example of a Fairy in the fictional world.


Phoenix is thought of as a bird or eagle who bursts into flames when it dies and is reborn from its ashes. The colour scheme given to it is Golden and Red feathers. This creature is a sign of Immortality, Eternity and Resurrection.


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