7 Must Read Quotes To Stop Taking Things Personally

- Stephen Covey

An empowered organisation is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organisational success.

- Margaret Thatcher

I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.

- Amitabh Bachchan

Personally, when a controversy erupts, we decide first whether it requires clarification and, secondly, if it receives notice from authorities and the establishment, we submit responses to their queries.

- Sushant Singh Rajput

The best thing is to accept the circumstances, not take them personally, deal with them, stop complaining, and give everything your best.

- Frank Sinatra

Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe. I'm honest.

- Manoj Bajpayee

I personally feel that no human is a hero or a villain. All of us have our grey sides, and that is why grey interests me: because it's more human, more life- like.

- Kendall Jenner

You can't take anything personally in this business. Follow your dreams, but there is a lot of criticism. You have to brush it off. Everybody is looking for something different.


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