7 Items That Should Not Be Kept in House

Broken Clock

A broken or stopped clock represents that you or your progress is stuck. It’s best to remove them from your house.

Dull Colours

Dull colours or very sharp colours are not good instead choose colours which are light and a little bright in colour to have peace and harmony.

Dark coloured Furniture

Dark-coloured furniture might emit negative energy and also makes the house gloomy. Try to choose light coloured furniture as it will enhance the look of the house and also give positive energy.

Dead Plants

Dead plants also represent stagnant progress and bring negative energy in the house.

Thorny Plants

Plants with thorns such as cactus should not be kept inside the house as they symbolise conflicts and tension.

Mirrors facing Bed

It is said that mirrors should not be placed in front of the bed as it can cause nightmares and disturbed sleep.


It is advised to not keep junk or unnecessary items in home as it blocks the way of positive energy and also creates chaos and gives stress.


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