
7 Amazing Benefits Of Wearing Bindi

Center Of Concentration
Center Of Concentration

The bindi is worn just between eyebrows above the forehead, it is the point of the body where all major nerves of the body meet called the Ajna Chakra,which helps in improving our concentration and also beats anxiety.

Relieves Headache
Relieves Headache

According to acupressure, the point of bindi gives us instant relief from tension and headaches because it has a convergence of nerves and blood vessels that are instantly relaxed.

Strengthens Facial Muscles
Strengthens Facial Muscles

When we wear a bindi, the point of the bindi stimulates, which tends to increase the blood flow of our facial muscles, which helps to reduce wrinkles and strengthen our facial muscles.

Good For The Muscles Of The Eyes
Good For The Muscles Of The Eyes

The center point of the forehead is directly connected to the supratrochlear nerve,which is a nerve that tends to feed eye muscles,when worn bindi stimulation helps to exercise the eyes.

Calms Your Mind
Calms Your Mind

Bindi stimulates Ajna chakra ,which helps in reducing anxiety and stress which makes us more relaxed and calming throughout the body.

Affects Your Hearing
Affects Your Hearing

The point of Bindi is the meeting point of major muscles of the body, which is also connected to a muscle of the ear called the cochlear, which regulates the sense of hearing. Hence, when the bindi point is stimulated it tends to improve hearing.

Clears Up Sinuses
Clears Up Sinuses

The stimulation of the point of the bindi is also connected to a specific part of the trigeminal nerve, which helps to clear sinus congestions.

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