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Majority of Americans view Islam negatively – this includes Democrats too

45 percent of Democrats have unfavourable views about Islam while only 27 percent are supportive towards the religion.

Majority of Americans view Islam negatively – this includes Democrats too

Washington: A survey conducted in the US after the dastardly terrorist attacks in Paris and California show 58 percent Americans hold negative views about Islam.

According to, which quoted latest YouGov/Huffpost poll, 45 percent of Democrats have unfavourable views about Islam while only 27 percent are supportive towards the religion.

Moreover, only 11 percent Republicans and 15 percent Independents have favourable opinions about it.

The survey was conducted with 1,000 Americans and has a 4.1 percent margin of error.

Here are the questions that were asked to the people:

Do you have a favourable or unfavourable opinion of the Islamic religion?

How well do you feel you understand the Islamic religion?

Do you personally happen to work with anyone who is Muslim?

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