News> Healthy Eating

Is your food pure or adulterated? Here's how you can check!

Most edible items these days lose their purity by the time they reach our households. Therefore, we have all the more reason to check their authenticity before cooking or eating it.

Udita Madan

We all love to eat, don't we? You're all probably nodding your head in agreement. Be it fruits, vegetables or even curd, we relish it when we feel hungry.

However, adulteration is one thing no one thinks about before cooking or biting into their favourite fruit or vegetable.

Yes, everyone is aware that most of the food we eat is adulterated, but how many times do we check to verify that? None.

First, it was our favourite Maggi, then followed the staple food rice and then the nutritional beverage, milk. One after the other, our list of daily foods began to get checked off the list because of adulteration.

Most edible items these days lose their purity by the time they reach our households. Therefore, we have all the more reason to check their authenticity before cooking or eating it. Mentioned below are some food and beverage items along with tips on how to verify their authenticity.

1. Frozen peas:


Frozen peas are actually pretty convenient for times when there is a lot of work in the kitchen. But, it's important to be vigilant because some packs of frozen peas contain a certain dye compound called malachite green, which may trigger stomach disorders. To test the purity of frozen peas, take water in a wok, add some peas to it and stir. If the water turns green, your packet of peas is highly unsafe for consumption.

2. Apples:


The fruit that can keep doctors away may in fact be the reason why you're being compelled to visit the doctor more often. It has become a common practice to polish apples with wax to give them a fresh look. To test your apples for adulteration, take a knife and slowly scrape the skin. If you notice white extract falling off, it is wax.

3. Cumin seeds:


Cumin seeds are an essential part of Indian households and an integral part of almost every Indian delicacy. They can however be adulterated with charcoal dust. To check, crush the seeds with your hand. If your palm turns black, your cumin seeds contain charcoal.

4. Turmeric root:


Another Indian cuisine staple as well as an essential component for healing, turmeric roots could be adulterated with colour. To be sure, hold a turmeric root under running cold water. If the root leaves its colour, it is impure.

5. Black pepper:


Adulteration in black pepper can be noticed easily because it is usually mixed with mineral oil. An adulterated black pepper will shine and smell like kerosene.

6. Tea:


Tea is one beverage that is drunk in every household around the world. But tea lovers have some bad news coming to them. Unfortunately, the tea leaves you think to be pure could be adulterated. Thankfully, you can test them for their purity by putting a teaspoonful of tea powder in cold water. If you notice the water turning brown, your tea is adulterated.

7. Cinnamon:


Packed with numerous health benefits, the aromatic cinnamon sticks you bought to add flavour to your food can be adulterated. Break some sticks with your hands. If it leaves colour, the cinnamon is pure.

Eat safe, eat healthy!

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