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Quinoa: The Nutritious Grain & 6 Wholesome Yummy Ways To Enjoy It

Quinoa is an extremely nutritious whole grain. It is really simple to incorporate into your diet and is one of the healthiest grains. From a botanical perspective, it is not a grain still it resembles cereal grains in terms of nutrients and preparation, it's frequently referred to as a "pseudo grain." Another reason quinoa is well-liked is because it has no gluten. 

Written By Zee Media Bureau   | Last Updated: Jul 02, 2024, 11:38 AM IST  | Source: Bureau
Quinoa: The Nutritious Grain & 6 Wholesome Yummy Ways To Enjoy It

Quinoa is an extremely nutritious whole grain. It is really simple to incorporate into your diet and is one of the healthiest grains. From a botanical perspective, it is not a grain still it resembles cereal grains in terms of nutrients and preparation, it's frequently referred to as a "pseudo grain." Another reason quinoa is well-liked is because it's gluten free.

In the Andes, quinoa was first cultivated for food 7,000 years ago.Even though it is now grown all over the world, Bolivia and Peru continue to produce the majority of it.

You will be amazed to know that Quinoa comes in more than 3,000 variants.But the varieties that are grown most frequently are red, black, and white but it is also available in tricolour variation that combines all three into one.

Health Benefits Of Quinoa 

  • Protects Your Cells: It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities like quercetin and kaempferol that shield cells from harm from free radicals.
  • Good For Gut: By encouraging regular bowel movements and feeding good bacteria in your gut, it can promote the health of your digestive system.
  • Gluten Free: Due to its natural lack of gluten, it is a wholesome option for anyone who has to exclude gluten from their diet. 
  • Packed With Protein: Quinoa is frequently described as a complete protein. This is due to the fact that it has all nine of the essential amino acids, which are not produced by your body.


6 Yummy & Healthy Dishes To Start Your Quinoa Journey 

  1. Chicken & Quinoa Soup: When you're in need of comfort food, this straightforward soup is the perfect pick-me-up.
  2. Mexican Quinoa Breakfast Bowl: A breakfast bowl rich in fibre and high in protein.
  3. Quinoa Crust Pizza: Quinoa adds an earthy flavour to the chewy crust that is made from pizza dough.
  4. Asian Chicken & Quinoa Salad: This vibrant salad is a great way to introduce your loved ones to the health benefits of quinoa.
  5. Crispy Quinoa Sliders: These light and crispy small patties work nicely as miniature veggie burgers, but they would also be delicious with a green salad. 
  6. Quinoa & Ricotta Pancakes - These fluffy pancakes are enhanced in taste and texture by the addition of soft cooked quinoa, fluffy ricotta, and nutty whole wheat flour. 

Quinoa is power packed grain which is going to provide you with a lot of nutrients. This grain is great for people who want to indulge in gluten free food as quinoa has naturally got that perk. Five healthy and delicious ways to kickstart your quinoa journey with an extremely comforting soup or a nutritious salad or a tasty yet healthy quinoa pizza. But the simplest way to have Quinoa is to replace your regular rice with Quinoa rice. Moreover, due to its health benefits it will protect your cells, be beneficial for your gut and provide you with a lot of protein.

(This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)