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Exclusive: Erectile dysfunction to premature ejaculation - Various sexual health issues faced by men and tips to cope up with them

Male sexual dysfunction is a common health problem affecting men of all ages but is more common with increasing age. 

Exclusive: Erectile dysfunction to premature ejaculation - Various sexual health issues faced by men and tips to cope up with them Pic courtesy: Instagram

New Delhi: Male sexual dysfunction issues like erectile dysfunction, low libido etc., affect men’s performance in bed and are a cause of unsatisfying sexual experience. But because of the notion of masculinity and the taboo around admitting to facing any problem in bed - many men are unable to take professional help which can further aggravate the problem. Male sexual dysfunction is a common health problem affecting men of all ages, but is more common with increasing age. Dr Vineet Malhotra, Clinical Director – Urology, Andrology and Male Health Specialist at  Diyos Hospital, Delhi shares the common sexual dysfunctions that men suffer.

Some of them are:

Premature Ejaculation

Possibly the most common sexual problem that men suffer while having sex. Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man ejaculates quickly (typically less than a minute) following sexual stimulation, leaving the partners sexually unhappy and dissatisfied. According to the recent study, Premature ejaculation (or early ejaculation) affects nearly 30 percent of men across the globe. 

Extreme stress, depression, conflict in relationship or over enthusiasm while performing the sexual act are likely the probable causes of premature ejaculation.

Erectile Dysfunction

Impotency, or inability to get or maintain an erection, is a sexual condition in which a man cannot get or maintain an erection for a lengthy amount of time. Some of the reasons that can cause erectile dysfunction include ageing, nerve disorders, diabetes etc. 

Low Libido (reduced sexual desire) 

Low libido is basically a lack of interest in sexual activity. One can experience ups and downs related to libido in their life span.  Low libido for a prolonged time can be a concern for many people. Factors that might affect low libido are low testosterone levels and certain medications like antidepressants and medications related to cancer treatment.  


Testosterone Deficiency 

Men over 50 years of age experience low testosterone levels. Few symptoms one can observe is fatigue, low sexual desire, decrease in muscle mass, development of breast tissue, erectile dysfunction etc. Deficiency of testosterone hormone can cause various sexual dysfunctions and physical problems in men.


Having said that, these sexual issues of men can be corrected by treating the underlying causes. Dr Malhotra shares some tips that can help men get over their sexual issues and live a happy and satisfied life.

Practice a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly: In order to increase your sperm count or your fertility, start exercising regularly and try to stay fit by eating healthy food as it is crucial to exercise and stay fit and aim for a healthy weight to boost your fertility. Exercise not only improves your mood but improves immune function and increases the feel-good endorphins and positive hormones which are very essential for a better sexual life.

Add antioxidants to your diet: Antioxidants not only protect against heart disease and cancer, but they also help men become more fertile. Try including below antioxidants in your daily diet:

-    Zinc- Oysters, crabs, red meat, beans

-    Vitamin C- Papaya, Berries, Citrus Fruits 

-    Selenium- Tuna, Chicken, Cod, Beef

Quit Smoking: It is highly recommended to quit smoking to boost your fertility as smoking impacts your fertility, your sperm quality because it lowers sperm count, slows sperm motility, and lowers sperm quality.

Reduce your alcohol intake: Try leveling down your alcohol consumption as it affects your sperm quality and leads to sexual issues.

Minimize your stress level: Stress is the main cause resulting in metabolic diseases and thereby resulting in low sexual drive, low sperm counts, issues with erectile function. Older men beyond 45 years of age experience low testosterone levels.

If all general treatments and remedies are not helping you cope with the above problems, it is always advisable to consult your sexologist who can diagnose your problem and customise a medical plan for you.      

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