
પૂર્ણા નદીના પાણીથી બરબાદી! 8 ફૂટ પાણીમાં બધુ પલળી ગયું, હીરા ઘસી ગુજરાન ચલાવતા પરિવારને મોટું આર્થિક નુકસાન

Ruined by Purna river water! Everything was submerged in 8 feet of water, a huge financial loss to the family that made a living off diamonds

Ruined by Purna river water! Everything was submerged in 8 feet of water, a huge financial loss to the family that made a living off diamonds

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Ruined by Purna river water! Everything was submerged in 8 feet of water, a huge financial loss to the family that made a living off diamonds

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