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You MUST pack these essentials in your kit while travelling!

Here are top 5 must carry packing checklist that just can't be missed!

You MUST pack these essentials in your kit while travelling! ThinkStock Photos (For representational purpose only)

There are two kinds of people in the world—one who travel only when required while other who simply love to explore. It doesn't really matter in which category you fall, but there are a few things which one must carry while packing your travel kit to make the journey a comfortable one.

So here we bring to you the top 5 must haves that just can't be missed:

Choose your Bag right:

Some love to travel light. So, they opt for a small bag while others like to carry their wardrobe along. Here, we suggest depending on the duration of the tour you should carry a light-weighed medium size bag that is spacious enough to keep all your necessary stuff at one place and is handy too. Who doesn't like to travel light which literally makes you fly like a free bird?

Don't miss out on Travel documents:

If you really want to make your travel safe then make sure you are carrying all of these. When traveling overseas a Passport and Visa documents are a must. For train travels or domestic flights any permanent ID proof like a driving license, Pan card, etc will do. Also, if you have a traveling insurance then avail the opportunity while traveling.

Make your travel Digitally occupied:

In today's era where almost everything is done digitally from booking the tickets to even getting a cab, then how can one forget about their digital stuff. Make sure to carry the chargers, portable chargers, camera, tablets, Mp4 players, headphones, etc so as to make yourself occupied and independent while traveling.

First Aid is a must:

Make sure you carry all the necessary medicines in case of an emergency. From ointment, bandage, to even a pepper spray for girls will prove a savior in case you meet with a minor accident or any sort of emergency.

One can't live without essential Toiletries:

Be it a hilly vacation, a beach holiday or a summer spot that you intend to travel to, don't ever forget the basic toiletries like a lotion, sunscreen cream, soaps, toothpaste, deodorants, wipes, rain coats, etc. These will surely keep your skin safe from any kind of infection and make you feel fresh.

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