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Watch: How SMOKING is dangerous; it does really KILL!

We all know and are fully aware about of the fact that smoking is injurious to health. Despite several warnings printed on the cigarette pack, nobody really cares while smoking that life-sucking cigarette bud.

Watch: How SMOKING is dangerous; it does really KILL! Pic Courtesy: Thinkstock images (For representational purpose only)

New Delhi: We all know and are fully aware about of the fact that smoking is injurious to health. Despite several warnings printed on the cigarette pack, nobody really cares while smoking that life-sucking cigarette bud.

Smoking causes the dreaded C-word Cancer disease, and affecting your health badly. Not just active smokers but passive ones bear the brunt of this habit as well.

However, here's a 4-minute video clip which will force you to kick that butt right away!

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