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Five simple steps to do daily Puja

We may not have much time to do elaborate Puja or perform rituals every day.

Five simple steps to do daily Puja Pic courtesy: Thinkstock image for representation purpose only.

Fast-paced complex urban lifestyle leaves us completely drained out. We seldom get time to sleep properly, meditate, do pranayam or simply sit down with our eyes closed. And in the maddening race, we often forget to thank God for giving us all what we have.

We may not have much time to do elaborate Puja or perform rituals every day. But here’s a quick solution.

Here’s what you need to do to quickly perform Puja with deep devotion and utmost faith:

  • Light an earthen or a small brass oil lamp. (Use sesame oil or mustard oil).
  • Offer flowers and fruits to God’s idols or images. (One flower and one fruit will also be sufficient. If you cannot manage to buy fruits every day, raisins or sugar can also be offered).
  • Light an incense stick.
  • Do Namaskar with folded hands and closed eyes.
  • Sit down for a minute or two to relax. (If you know any shloka, chant it).

This would take less than ten minutes.

Offering prayer to God wouldn’t take much time. All you need is the willingness to spare time for the Almighty – the Supreme Being who governs one and all.

Performing this small Puja every day will make you feel nice. Try it out.

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