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How Satvic Movement is bringing natural change in people's lifestyle

Are we connected to nature? In any way? We keep our lives inside buildings made of concrete. We hardly care about nature; hence, we are bereft of its benefits.

How Satvic Movement is bringing natural change in people's lifestyle

Are we connected to nature? In any way? We keep our lives inside buildings made of concrete. We hardly care about nature; hence, we are bereft of its benefits.

In the past few years, various ailments or illnesses have become an inevitable part of most of us due to our lifestyle. The primary reason behind it has probably been human's too much dependence on the technology-driven artificial & stressful lifestyle and its vast disconnect with nature in different ways in our daily routine.

To get rid of it, people in large numbers have shown a great interest in the natural and Vedic lifestyles from across the globe. To help people lead a natural and Vedic lifestyle, Satvic Movement, a not-for-profit knowledge-sharing platform, was founded in 2017 by the couple Subah Saraf and Harshvardhan Saraf. The founders, inspired by how their lives transformed and how they got rid of chronic diseases they had since their childhoods, started this initiative to share the knowledge that changed their lives forever.

The not-for-profit platform has played an active role in making people aware and guiding them about different methods to reduce their suffering through satvic measures, lifestyle changes, and organic food habits. A good number of people have gone disease-free by being a part of the movement.

Regarding the Movement's objectives, Subah & Harshvardhan say, "Our goal is to make Satvic Movement a hub for satvic knowledge and lifestyle, a movement that inspires and teaches people to go natural. Satvic lifestyle is a gift from our ancestors and gurus. It teaches us to live a simple and disease-free life by adopting natural and healthy food, following nature's cure, and having a healthy schedule just like our great grandfathers had." The Satvic Movement team has also published two widely popular food books on the basics of following a satvic diet and a collection of satvic recipes. 

The Satvic Movement aims to guide people looking to dramatically improve their health, overcome diseases through holistic healing, or adopt a wholesome, nutritious diet. It helps individuals develop satvic sensibilities and motivate others to reconnect with nature through various regular in-person interactions and workshops and an active social media presence through prominent social platforms. Currently, it has over 4 million subscribers on YouTube, 500k followers on Instagram, and multiple workshops attended by thousands. Hundreds of thousands of people have reversed their ailment and transformed their lives by following the knowledge shared by Satvic Movement.

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