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On William Shakespeare's birth and death anniversary, check out his lesser-known plays

William Shakespeare is regarded to be one of the best playrights and writer in the English language. These are some of his lesser-known works.

On William Shakespeare's birth and death anniversary, check out his lesser-known plays Pic Credit: Instagram

New Delhi: William Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the world's world's greatest dramatist and writer in the English languge. The birth and death anniversary of the Bard of Avon is traditionally observed on April 23. He is often called England's national poet.

Shakespeare passed away over 400 years ago but remains the world's greatest writer. His works were so brilliant that they have been translated into almost every single living-language. His extant works consist of some 154 sonnets, 39 plays, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, some of the uncertain authorship.

On this birth and death anniversary, we take a look at some of his lesser-known works:

1. Henry VIII

2. King John

3. Coriolanus

4. Timon of Athens

5. Love’s Labour’s Lost

6. Troilus and Cressida

7. All’s Well That Ends Well

8. The Comedy of Errors

9. The Two Gentlemen Of Verona

10. Titus Andronicus 

He was born in April 1564 and died in 1616, merely at the age of 52 but he is still considered to be among the most influential of the English authors. 

Some of his plays have also been adapted by the Indian film industry and they continue to inspire generations. Among some of the most revered works of the English writer are--‘Julius Caesar’, ‘King Lear’, ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Hamlet’. ‘Julius Caesar’, ‘King Lear’, ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Hamlet’.

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