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Rush Limbaugh calls Obama ‘male Kardashian’

Radio show host Rush Limbaugh criticized President Barack Obama’s celebrity fund-raising ties on Tuesday and labelled him ‘Barack Hussein Kardashian’ charging that he’s now even more out of touch with average Americans.

Washington: Radio show host Rush Limbaugh criticized President Barack Obama’s celebrity fund-raising ties on Tuesday and labelled him ‘Barack Hussein Kardashian’ charging that he’s now even more out of touch with average Americans.
The conservative host went after the Obama campaign’s latest ads featuring Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and actress Sarah Jessica Parker. “This is celebrity of the United States kind of stuff. This is not president of the United States kind of stuff. It’s not broad appeal. It’s not trying to relate to the average person,” Politico quoted Limbaugh as saying, according to a transcript of his show. “It’s an indication once again how out of touch they really are, how distanced they have become from the people who make this country work. It’s an indication of what they think the strong drawing power of the presidency is. “He’s becoming Barack Kardashian. … He is becoming the male Kim Kardashian with this stuff, and it’s been building,” he said. Limbaugh was referencing the Kardashian family of the reality TV show ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’. Kim Kardashian, the most famous of the three Kardashian daughters, had recently attended the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and found herself to be a part of Obama’s comedy routine. During his three-hour radio show, Limbaugh scoffed at the Obama campaign for enlisting celebrities, arguing that people like Wintour and Parker are out of touch with the average American. “Anna Wintour wouldn’t give the time of day if she saw you on the street,” Limbaugh said. “In fact, you’d get fired if you looked at her. She’d send the cops after you if you looked at her. She’s not on the street. She leaves the building, gets in the car, goes where she’s going. This is such a divorce from reality,” he said. The radio personality also had some harsh words for Parker, who played sex columnist Carrie Bradshaw on the TV show “Sex and the City.” “It’s been ten years since Sarah Jessica Parker did anything,” he said. “She has insisted on scripts in movies where I get ripped to shreds. She doesn’t like me, which is fine, it’s a badge honor,” he added. ANI
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