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Soon, computers to tell your age with great accuracy!

A new software application to calculate someone’s age by evaluating a huge database of photos may soon be a reality.

London: A new software application to calculate someone’s age by evaluating a huge database of photographs, tagged with ages from Flickr and Google Images, may soon be a reality.
Presently the software is accurate to within five years, irrespective of ethnicity, but the researchers from the Advanced Digital Sciences Center in Singapore hope to trim down this margin of error in the near future. According to, researcher Bingbing Ni asserted that this new technology could have several uses. “For example, digital signage applications – installed in shopping malls, vending machines, etc – could automatically estimate the customers’ ages and recommend corresponding product advertisements,” the Daily Mail quoted Ni as saying. Other uses may comprise stopping underage people buying alcohol and cigarettes or children from viewing adult content on the internet. Ni’s software works from a database of 77,000 images, with 219,000 faces in total. ANI
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