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Russian attempts suicide after watching `The Amazing Spider-Man`

A 24-year-old man leaped out of a third-floor window at a mall in Russia after watching the blockbuster ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’.

Moscow: A 24-year-old man leaped out of a third-floor window at a mall in Russia after watching the blockbuster ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’, a media report said.
The man, whose name was withheld, jumped off the window of a mall in Krasnodar city Thursday, the website reported. He survived, but is in intensive care with head injuries, the news website quoted investigators as saying. The man consumed a handful of Corvalol sedative pills before attempting suicide, the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily said. ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, premiered in Russia Thursday. Investigators remained puzzled at the man`s motive for suicide. Text messages found on his cell phone identified him as a follower of Zen Buddhism. IANS
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