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Vaishno Devi Stampede: বছরের শুরুতেই মর্মান্তিক দুর্ঘটনা! বৈষ্ণোদেবী মন্দিরে পদপিষ্ট হয়ে মৃত ১২ জন

Vaishno Devi Stampede: Tragic accident at the beginning of the year! Twelve people stampeded at Vaishnodevi temple

Vaishno Devi Stampede: Tragic accident at the beginning of the year! Twelve people stampeded at Vaishnodevi temple

|Updated: Jan 01, 2022, 02:45 PM IST
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Vaishno Devi Stampede: Tragic accident at the beginning of the year! Twelve people stampeded at Vaishnodevi temple