
TMC: এবার 'বিস্ফোরক' তৃণমূলের একমাত্র সংখ্যালঘু মুখপাত্র কামাল হাসান!| Zee 24 Ghanta

Now the 'explosive' comment of Trinamool's only minority spokesperson Kamal Hasan! He said 'What is happening with the Madrasa Service Commission is not right', see what he said

Now the 'explosive' comment of Trinamool's only minority spokesperson Kamal Hasan! He said 'What is happening with the Madrasa Service Commission is not right', see what he said

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Now the 'explosive' comment of Trinamool's only minority spokesperson Kamal Hasan! He said 'What is happening with the Madrasa Service Commission is not right', see what he said

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