
চিনা মাঞ্জা ক্রমশ উদ্বেগ বাড়াচ্ছে মা উড়ালপুলে দুর্ঘটনা রুখতে সতর্কতা । পুরো উড়ালপুলে ফেন্সিং লাগানোর ভাবনা । KMDA- কে ফেন্সিং লাগানোর অনুরোধ

Chinese manja is gradually raising concerns Caution to prevent accidents in the mother flyover. The idea of ​​installing fencing all over the flyover. Request to KMDA to install fencing

Chinese manja is gradually raising concerns Caution to prevent accidents in the mother flyover. The idea of ​​installing fencing all over the flyover. Request to KMDA to install fencing

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Chinese manja is gradually raising concerns Caution to prevent accidents in the mother flyover. The idea of ​​installing fencing all over the flyover. Request to KMDA to install fencing

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